martes, 28 de agosto de 2007

Plot summary

Can you complete this plot summary, these words may help you: Sweet, Parents, Read, Principal, Cruelty, Powers, Fly, School

Plot Summary for Matilda

A grouchy couple give birth to a very ______ girl they name Matilda. Unlike her bratty brother & mean __________, Matilda becomes a very sweet & extremely intelligent girl who is very anxious to go to school & __________ books. After a while, her parents send her to a school with the worst _____________ in the world, a very sweet teacher, & good friends. While trying to put up with her parent's & principal's ____________, she starts to unwittingly unleash telekinetic _____________ that destroy a television & make a reptile _____________ on her teacher. With enough practice, Matilda starts to learn to control her telekinetic powers & soon using them on her principal so she can drive her away from the _____________.

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